Varlet: As human beings, we have some sort of expectation of what a tree looks like, or a rock, or a plant, right? Technically, an alien planet does not have to meet those expectations, but in a game, it’s better if we do. How did Coffee Stain Studios come up with and execute on the aesthetic? Of course, you could just build a really long conveyor belt! However, building one tractor and recording its path is far cheaper than building a gigantic conveyor belt to a resource gathering outpost. For example, coal may be located very far away from your factory, so you need to get it back somehow so that you can process it. Varlet: The main purpose is to deliver resources long distances while the player can continue doing other things. What is the purpose behind this and was it difficult to implement? Satisfactory allows players to program a vehicle to continuously drive around a custom-made route. Combat is not as fleshed out as a First-Person shooter, but it is fun, difficult, and makes exploration a little scary. Varlet: Exploration is a pillar of Satisfactory and we’ve done a lot to make it engaging and rewarding. How big of a component will combat be in Satisfactory? Oh, BTW, if you’re arachnophobic, there is an Arachnophobia Mode, which turns the spiders into giant cat sprites. From “Hogs” to “Spitters” to spider-like creatures, and more. Varlet: There are many kinds of aggressive wildlife out in the world that you will need to defend yourself against. What will players be shooting at in the game? Not much has been revealed regarding the gunplay. Our early teaser trailer with Lizard Doggo also highlights this. When inside your factory, the sound of machines around you can drown out the peaceful ambience. The second is to create a contrast between the peaceful nature of this untouched planet and the effect human interaction has on it.

The first is to not frustrate or distract you as you think and refactor your factory.

The calming atmosphere serves two purposes. Is it intended to be somewhat therapeutic? It was an easy decision from there and Satisfactory was born. A couple of us (who were obsessed with Factorio at the time) created a 3D first-person factory-building sim, and everyone in the studio was hooked. We started voting on what we did and didn’t like. How did you come up with the concept for Satisfactory?Ĭoffee Stain Studio Programmer and Community Manager Jace Varlet: The original concept arose during a prototyping period we had after we decided to stop working on Goat Simulator. Considering Satisfactory combines first-person shooting, crafting/factory building, and vehicles, it's shaping up to be a very unique game. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.